Nawabi Semai at Home - Food Bee.Trending NOW

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May 25, 2020

Nawabi Semai at Home

Shemai is the favorite sweet food for on the occasions of the "EID" festival.

Usually, there are too many variations of cooking patterns in Milk Shemai and Lachcha Shemai. Such a variant is the Nawabi Shemai.

It is a bit more delicious and mouth-watering than ordinary shemai.



300-gram laccha shemai

3 tablespoon ghee few nuts, kismiss

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 powder milk

2 cup whole milk

1/2 cup custard powder

1/2 cup cream

1/2 cup condensed milk with saffron thread



  1. First, we take a karai- add ghee, then fry the laccha shemai in ghee- lightly.
  2. After frying 10 minutes in the well
  3. The color of the Laccha shemai will be changed to light reddish color, then Put it on the side for a while.
  4. Then add the sugar, milk powder and cardamom powder and mix it very well in another utensil.
  5. After that, mix the fresh cream and custard powder, cornflower, condensed milk within the cold milk.
  6. Then heat the mixture with the burner for the time being to make it denser and thicker.
  7. Sprinkle the mixture and place the fried Lachha Shemai gently.
  8. Spread the edges of the jars on the sides of the pan, spread it on your shoulders, Place the mixture of Nuts on top.
  9. Serve as cold as you like and enjoy the delicious "Nawabi Shemai"

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